Why is the 2020 Census So Important?

The US Census has happened every 10 years since the very first census was taken in 1790. It has always been and remains today a vital part of our democracy. The census is a non-political gathering of data about this beautiful, diverse, and massive country that we are privileged to call home. This means the census is not influenced or …

My Favorite Way to Start the Day

If there’s one thing I’ve learned after owning and running a business for over 20 years while raising 4 kids, it’s that you have to get control of your day before your day gets control of you! The things I do first-thing in the morning, starting before everyone else is awake, is what sets up the day for success. This …

Four Keys for Unlocking More Effective Team-building Events

As Chairman and CEO of Pinnacle Group, a leading workforce solutions firm serving clients globally, I’ve always believed in the power of team-building events and have invested significantly in them. In the early years of our company, we centered our team-building events around fun social activities, like bowling, go-kart racing, and escape rooms. But over the years, as more of …

Doing Your Part: How You Can Help a Dallas High School Recover from A Tornado

I wanted to start this week’s Medium post by acknowledging the generosity of Gene and Jerry Jones and Mark Cuban, who have pledged $1 million each towards the rebuilding of Thomas Jefferson High School and their athletic facilities after they were destroyed by the tornado that ripped through our shared hometown of Dallas, TX. Thomas Jefferson High School holds a special …