"You can't be what you can't see.My blog posts are examples, advice, and encouragement from my own life that I hope will inspire you to reach your goals and dreams."
- Nina Vaca
My Favorite Way to Start the Day
Blog, Business, Exercise, Fitness, triathlonNina’s fitness routine and triathlon hobby are well-known, but many people wonder how she’s able to stay in such good shape while raising four kids and running a business. She wrote a Medium blog post detailing her morning routine on a n...
Active Listening: My Silent but Spectacular Strategy for Success
Blog, Business, Business Tips, InterviewThough I am often invited to speak at events across the US and globally, it has surprised people to hear that I actually don’t consider speaking to be one of my top skills. It’s something I’ve worked on and developed over the years...
The Power of Strong Follow Through
Blog, Business, Business Advice, Business Tips, Follow ThroughYou can read things all over the internet that promise you “hacks” to success or some kind of secret formula. Let me state this very clearly: there is no hack to success. It takes hard work, dedication, some good fortune, and a great...
How Treating Yourself Like a Corporate Athlete Drives Stronger Performance
Blog, Athlete, Business, Corporate Athlete, Fitness, Health, WellnessIf you’ve read any of my other posts here on Medium, you know I’m committed to triathlons, staying in shape while traveling, and the importance of having a hobby. For this piece I want to talk about exactly why all of that is so ...
Courage in Calgary: Lessons from an IRONMAN 70.3
Blog, Ironman, Medium, triathlon, triathlonsThis weekend I traveled to Calgary, Alberta to race in a half-IRONMAN. This wasn’t my first race of this length and I was fully confident in my ability to complete the race and even possibly put up a time I could be proud of. Little di...
My Top Five Books to Inspire Athletes
Blog, Athletes, Athletics, Physical Fitness, SportsFor over 20 years, participating in triathlons has been one of my favorite things to do outside of the corporate world. I fell in love with this sport back in 1996 when I completed my very first race in Austin, Texas, at a women’s empo...