"You can't be what you can't see.My blog posts are examples, advice, and encouragement from my own life that I hope will inspire you to reach your goals and dreams."
- Nina Vaca
BlogThere is much more to leadership than a high-ranking position and being in charge. In practice, effective leadership is a combination of personal values and practical skills used together to create an atmosphere in which people feel valu...
La Historia del Censo: Cómo Empezó El Censo y Cómo a Cambiado?
Blog, 2020 US Census, Censo, Census, Census Bureau, El censoAhí momentos en la vida cuando hacemos cosas sin saber el origen o incluso el por qué. Es por lo que decidí escribir sobre un tema candente este año – el Censo del 2020. El primer censo de los Estados Unidos fue tomado en 1790 para...
¿Por Qué es Tan Importante el Censo?
Blog, 2020 US Census, Census, Census Bureau, El censoEl censo de los Estados Unidos ha ocurrido cada 10 años desde su inicio en 1790. Siempre ha sido y seguirá siendo una parte vital de nuestra democracia. El censo es una colección de datos sobre este hermoso, diverso y sólido país qu...
Census History: How Did the Census Start and How Has It Changed?
Blog, 2020 US Census, Census, Census Bureau, PoliticsIt’s a fact of life that sometimes we do something without knowing where it originated or even why. That’s why I thought it might be helpful to give a little history about a hot topic in 2020 – the US Census. The first United State...
Why is the 2020 Census So Important?
Blog, 2020 US Census, Census, Census Bureau, PoliticsThe US Census has happened every 10 years since the very first census was taken in 1790. It has always been and remains today a vital part of our democracy. The census is a non-political gathering of data about this beautiful, diverse, a...
My Favorite Way to Start the Day
Blog, Fitness, Morning Routine, Nutrition, WorkoutsIf there’s one thing I’ve learned after owning and running a business for over 20 years while raising 4 kids, it’s that you have to get control of your day before your day gets control of you! The things I do first-thing in the mor...